
List of my national and international communications.

International Scientific Communications

  • 10th DCLDE Workshop, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Jun, 2024.
    Oral presentation: “Comparison of Detection Techniques for Fin Whale Calls in a Distributed Acoustic Sensing Dataset: A Step Towards Automated Localization.
  • 186th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Canada. May, 2024.
    Oral presentations:
    • Automated Detection of Fin Whale Calls Recorded with Distributed Acoustic Sensing
    • Sound propagation modeling in forests using the transmission line matrix Method: comparison with experimental in-situ measurements
  • 10th Forum Acousticum, Torino, Italy. Sep, 2023.
    Oral presentation: “Transmission Line Matrix Method for sound propagation modelling In forests: comparison with in-situ measurements

  • 24th International Congress On Acoustics, Gyeongju, South Korea [virtual]. Oct, 2022.
    Oral presentation: “Properties of the transmission line matrix model for outdoor sound propagation: Numerical dispersion effects

National Scientific Communications

  • Technical days on acoustics and vibration, Aix-en-Provence, France. Jun, 2023.
    Oral presentation: “Propriétés du modèle TLM pour la propagation du son à l’extérieur : Effets de dispersion numérique

  • Engineering Sciences Doctoral School Congress, Vannes, France. Jun, 2022.
    Oral presentation “Acoustic propagation in forest environments. Numerical study for environmental applications

  • 16th French Acoustics Society Congress, Marseille, France. Fev, 2022.
    Oral presentation “Stability analysis of TLM model for sound propagation in outdoor environment

  • “Doctoriales” Planning, Mobility and Environment, Le Croisic, France. Oct, 2021.
    Poster “Acoustic propagation in forest environments. Numerical study for environmental applications