
General Information

Full Name Quentin Goestchel
Date of Birth 9th December 1995
Languages French, English (Cambridge Advanced C1), Spanish


  • 2023
    Ph.D. degree
    Le Mans University, Le Mans, France.
    • Acoustic propagation in forest environments. Time domain numerical methods toward bioacoustic applications.
    • Short description
      • Theoretical study on the Transmission Line Matrix Method for modeling long-range forest scenarios.
      • Updating, improving and maintaining a code architecture in Python and OpenCL (C99).
      • Collaboration with bioacousticians (MNHN) for in-situ data.
      • Supervision of an intern from the computer science University Institute of Technology (IUT), Strasbourg (6 months internship).
    • Supervised by Gwenaël Guillaume, David Ecotière, Benoit Gauvreau
  • 2020
    Master's degree in physical acoustics
    Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
    • For the study of elastic waves. To model and synthesize acoustic fields.To learn how to manipulate sound as a diagnostic tool and information vector. Graduated with Highest Honors.
  • 2020
    Master's degree of Ecole Normale supérieure Paris-Saclay
    Ecole Normale supérieure Paris-Saclay, Cachan, France.
    • 4th year - Joint master's degree with Sorbonne Université.
    • 3rd year - Pre-doctoral research year in a foreign country (TU/e, Eindhoven, cf. Experience).
    • 2nd year - Civil engineering master's degree. Fundamentals of mechanical engineering, including continuum mechanics, fluid mechanics, waves, vibrations, with a strong emphasis on numerical methods.
    • 1st year - Multidisciplinary formation in order to choose between the three engineering departments. Centered on the applied sciences in physics and engineering for research and teaching. (Equivalent to a third-year bachelor's degree)
  • 2015
    Preparatory classes for engineering colleges
    Eugène Livet HighSchool, Nantes, France.
    • Two years of intensive courses on fundamentals of physics and technology to prepare Grandes Ecoles competitive entrance exams.


  • 2024 - ongoing
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    University of Washington, Seattle, USA
    • Postdoctoral scolarship at the School of Oceanography.
    • study the capabilities of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) to record low frequency baleen whale vocalizations.
    • Develop automated tools to detect and localize fin and blue whale calls with DAS. Contributing to the DAS4Whales open-source package.
  • 2022 - 2023
    Computer science teacher
    Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, France.
    • Development technics. Teaching to second year students.
    • Basics of computer architecture. Teaching to first year students.
    • Academic methodologies and techniques. Teaching to first year students.
  • 2020
    Trainee researcher
    Joint Research Unit in Environmental Acoustics (UMRAE), Strasbourg, France.
    • Numerical modeling of acoustic propagation over a forest floor using the TLM approach.
  • 2017-2018
    Trainee researcher
    Technical University of Eindhoven TU/e, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
    • Applicability of the diffusion equation method for acoustic simulations on 3D urban models.
    • Development of a finite volume method Matlab code to model sound energy density diffusion in irregular tetrahedral meshes.
  • 2017
    Trainee engineer
    CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland.
    • Modeling the noise impact of the LHC expansion (HL-LHC) with an engineering software.

Awards and Grants

  • Early Career Presenter Award in Computational Acoustics at the 186st ASA meeting, Ottawa, Canada.
  • University of Washington eScience postdoctoral fellowship, Seattle, USA.

Special Skills

  • Programming languages
    • Python
    • C99 (OpenCL)
    • Matlab
    • Zsh, Bash
  • Documents rendering languages
    • LaTex
    • Markdown
  • Softwares
    • FreeCAD
    • Solidworks
    • Slurm Workload Manager
    • Git
    • Inkscape

Academic Interests

  • Acoustics
    • Sound & biodiversity
    • Disturbance noise effect on quiet areas
  • Numerical modelization methods
    • Time domain methods
    • Meshing processes

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: mountaineering, climbing, hiking, backcountry skiing, alpine skiing, sailing, bass guitar.